GetVisibility Approach to Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)


Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a crucial aspect of ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of an organization's data assets. It involves a set of activities, tools, and best practices aimed at understanding and enhancing all dimensions of data security. This article explores the significance of DSPM and introduces the innovative approach offered by GetVisibility to address the challenges associated with data security.

The Importance of DSPM

In today's digital landscape, the threat to data security is ever-evolving, making it challenging for organizations to predict and prepare for potential attacks. The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats underscore the need for a robust DSPM strategy.

Key Components of DSPM

DSPM encompasses a range of activities to protect data, including storage, transportation, and manipulation. It requires collaboration among business, IT, and security teams to establish a resilient program capable of adapting to the dynamic threat landscape. The key components of DSPM include:

Identification: Recognizing and categorizing an organization's data assets based on sensitivity levels.

Assessment: Evaluating cyber risks to the organization, considering both physical and logical access points.

Monitoring: Continuous surveillance of data activities to detect anomalies and potential security violations.

Improving DSPM with GetVisibility

Enhanced Visibility

Getvisibility introduces an innovative classification solution designed to provide enhanced visibility into your business data. This cloud-based, platform-agnostic solution allows organizations to understand and manage their data assets effectively.

Data Classification Approach

Getvisibility employs a data classification approach wherein information assets are categorized based on sensitivity levels. This classification enables organizations to apply appropriate labels to each resource, indicating its criticality. This approach forms the foundation for building and enforcing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies that align with compliance requirements.

Operational Efficiency

By gaining visibility into data security posture, organizations can enhance operational efficiency. Getvisibility helps identify areas of risk and offers recommendations to strengthen security measures. This proactive approach enables organizations to mitigate potential threats before they escalate.

Best Practices for Effective DSPM

To maintain a robust DSPM strategy, organizations should adopt the following best practices:

Regular Monitoring and Assessment: Continuously monitor and assess data security posture to stay ahead of potential risks.

Identify Risky Users and Devices: Identify and address users and devices that may pose a risk to data security.

Take Appropriate Actions: Implement measures such as blocking or deactivating user accounts and revoking sensitive credentials based on risk assessment.

Set Up Alerts: Establish alerts to detect violations and anomalies in access patterns promptly.


In conclusion, a comprehensive approach to DSPM is essential in safeguarding an organization's data assets against evolving cyber threats. Getvisibility's innovative solution offers enhanced visibility and a structured data classification approach, providing organizations with the tools they need to build a secure and compliant data environment.

By incorporating DSPM best practices and leveraging Getvisibility's approach, organizations can fortify their data security posture and minimize the impact of potential breaches. Stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive information with a proactive DSPM strategy.